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LT800P, LT800P water filter -


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LT700P, LT700P water filter -


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LT1000P, LT1000P water filter -


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There is nothing like the cold, thirsty water dripping from the throat. But how healthy is the water you drink? The sad reality is that every year many people get sick from drinking contaminated tap water. Fortunately, you can use filtered water to keep yourself and your family healthy. This is a simplified version of 15 ways to filter water can greatly improve your life. Let's get started! The truth about the tap You may have been drinking tap water for many years. But the problem is, you can't always believe there's water in the faucet. Of course, tap water...

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One of the greatest inventions of modern times is that by pressing this button, ice can be removed directly from the refrigerator. Most modern refrigerators have amazing properties that many generations can not imagine. However, it is impossible to achieve without struggle. If a glass of water you take out of the refrigerator feels less fresh, you may need to replace the refrigerator filter. If you're thinking ," wait... My fridge has filters ?" Here are 7 simple steps to help you replace the refrigerator filter with fresh, clean taste water. What is a refrigerator filter? If you have ever...

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